The BALD and the BEAUTIFUL brazilian. - DepSkin

The BALD and the BEAUTIFUL brazilian.

Have you ever heard of “The Great Wall of Vagina”? I’m guessing not?! Well read on…

Brazilian waxing or as we call it, All Off (or leave a landing strip) is one of those waxes you either love or you don’t! Mostly though, once you go to Brazil you don’t go back! I personally thought (up until I got most of it permanently removed, so now it’s even less painful!) that the brazillian wax was the least painful of all areas to be treated, then again most people would call that insane! One thing’s for sure the more it’s done the less painful it will be!

Brazillian waxing should be maintained regularly, generally every 4-6 weeks. Remember if you change how regular you are along the way, the hair growth cycles will reflect this, so keeping to your routine is important, regardless of whether or not it’s that time of the month (which don’t worry, most people do!). Let us know as early as possible if you need to change your routine for a holiday etc and we can easily work out the best way to do it so you don’t have another growth half way through your holiday!

More importantly, don’t forget to loofah regularly and correctly! Correctly you ask, what have I been doing all these years? Click here to find out how to loofah, which done well will minimize your hair over time and get rid of any ingrowns, incorrect loofah-ing can actually encourage the hair growth. I know you don’t want that!